
The Space Between: A place of conversation to discuss God, life, and all the things in between.

Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Unexpected Voices

It's been a while since I dusted off the old blog . Unfortunately, my voice is one of millions out there. So not a lot of people drop by here, or at least I don't thing they do. But, I learned recently I need to maintain some sort of a presence online in case a situation like what I detail in my newsletter article below occurs again.   So look for me to update every month or two, and let me know if you are listening! I'm always one to talk, and would be happy to use this medium. Until then, be well friends.        ---Bryson 

June 2016

        I occasionally get random emails from people I don’t know in the slightest. Most are disconcerting. They want to alert me to the great Islamic threat, share prophecy about God’s impending judgment for our moral woes, or invite me to come hear some visiting pastor talk on the end of the world. 99% have this sort of focus and quickly find their way to my online trash can as a result. But then I get an out-of-left-field note that makes me stop and be thankful. Last week brought one such message, and I thought I would share it with you all since it made my day. Keep in mind, this person has absolutely no connection to Rinn. He encountered our website one day and wanted to tell me about it. This is what he wrote (I summarized some of it for brevity’s sake):
“So I stumbled across your site through a very strange way, but that is a story for another day. I’m not religious, I believe there is something, but not necessarily what religion has had to offer me. However, this is not about me, but I wanted to pass on a few items after spending some time on your website…
The FAQ is probably one of the best I’ve read. It is like a person answering your questions and not trying to be something you are not. Nice job being so open and honest. The Cowboy fellowship page is also very welcoming. What a great message!  Your willingness to be open and post honest information about [what’s going on in your church] is amazing. Being open and upfront with your members will only make your church stronger, closer, and full of trust. Good on you for being open and honest. Finally, your support and care for the surrounding community is also much appreciated.”

            Cool stuff, huh? It goes to show, you never know who is going to encounter your church and where! This gentleman and I have since had a great online conversation. It sounds to me like he’s not from around here and doesn’t go to church due to a previous bad experience. But he’s open to God, so the Spirit could be at work in our continuing association.

            So why am I telling you this? It’s not to praise the website, which I help oversee for transparency’s sake. Nor is it to pat myself on the back for the manner in which I communicate with you all, or for how I am handling this new online friend. No, what I want to say is it wasn’t the language or the presentation that elicited this man’s reaction and interest. It was you. When I generated the content for the website, I was describing the people and ministries of Rinn and the qualities they have from an outsider’s perspective. My tone reflected what I got from you, how you want to be welcoming, encouraging and open to new people. You all have an approach that other congregations do not, and in detailing it to the outside world, it showed. It became a hook that brought someone in!

So I have to wonder, if one person got this from our website, what will it be like when we start getting ministries associated with our vision off the ground? Who would you reach if you lived a lifestyle of evangelism, like we talked about in a sermon not-so-long ago? You never know who is watching and what little thing might reach them for Jesus Christ. So as we go into the summer months, see if you can find way to show Rinn to the world. Whether it is an organized event, like the Pig Roast, the Food-and-Flick-Friday or VBS, or just the way you go about your daily life; let Rinn, and the way we experience the Holy Spirit shine. I think you’ll be amazed at the people who respond.

Blessings to you all and stay cool!
In Christ,

Pastor Bryson

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