
The Space Between: A place of conversation to discuss God, life, and all the things in between.

Tuesday, August 22, 2017

Preparing for Fall!

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Howdy Rinn Nation
Well, Summer was fun while it lasted, wasn’t it?

Where did the time go? It feels like we just had Memorial Day Weekend, but in looking at the calendar, Labor Day is dead ahead! I guess the old adage is true, “time flies when you are having fun.”

And we did have fun, didn’t we? The Pig Roast was absolutely smashing, raising almost $9,000 in funds. The Fourth at Firestone was good too, and thankfully our booth wasn’t smooshed by falling debris during the freak windstorm that afternoon. And, of course, who could forget the Cross Consecration service in July? We had 130 people here, wonderful music from the Anderson Clan and a Fellowship Hall so packed for the potluck that we had to sit people in the hallways. Great times indeed, Nation!

It was a blessing to experience them all with you. But now we turn our attention to the fall and our Kickoff Sunday on 8/20. It’s the ceremonial restart for all of our ministries. Soon, all of your favorites will be back and active. Choir, Kids Hope, Wednesday Bible Study (which really needs a witty name now that I think about it), Prelude Prayers and others are all roaring back to life in the next few weeks!

It’s hard to look at this revving up in our church and personal lives and not feel a bit daunted. Inertia, as you science geeks out there know well, is hard barrier to conquer! So may I suggest something? The tendency in the Church (not just us, but every congregation) is to look back, to want to relive the good times repeatedly, saying things like, “Gosh, the summer pig roast was excellent. The consecration was stunning. Wasn’t it great? Didn’t it feel amazing?” It certainly did. But the trap is getting stuck in this way of thinking, and letting our affection of the past detract from where we are now. I heard someone unintentionally do it on one of the Sundays after the consecration. They looked out out at the crowd, which was our normal 70 people or so and said, “if only we could have the Consecration Crowd again.”

I’m not demonizing this person, because it was me! Even pastors fall into this supreme appreciation for what has been.

So do me a favor, Nation. Let’s hold each other accountable as this new school year starts, shall we? Instead of getting retrospective, let’s look ahead! Let’s use the great things that have happened as a foundation, a stepping stone to what God is going to do through us next. Say things like “What will God do with the people who have gathered here today?” or “How will the Spirit work through this ministry experiment?” Honor the past for what it is, and let it energize us for a bright and awesome tomorrow, that’s what I’m asking!

Can we do that? I know you can, so thanks in advance for all your contributions. It’s going to be a great fall, Nation. We have our Leadership Team gathering to do our final leg of vision work. We’ve got some good ideas for ministry ideas that will be unveiled soon, and [gulp] Christmas will be here before you know it. I have an excellent sermon series already developed, very traditional as opposed to the modern approaches I sometimes take. Yes, Nation. It’s going to be amazing. So come join us as we use the wonderful summer we are coming off of as the starting blocks to spring into the fall.
              Blessings to you, my Friends, as the next segment of 2017 begins.
In Christ,

Pastor Bryson