
The Space Between: A place of conversation to discuss God, life, and all the things in between.

Tuesday, May 30, 2017

Post Easter Greetings

“Why do you look for the living among the dead? He is not here; he has risen! Remember how he told you, while he was still with you in Galilee: ‘The Son of Man must be delivered over to the hands of sinners, be crucified and on the third day be raised again. Then they remembered his words.”
-Luke 24:5-8 NIV


Blessings to you in this sacred time after to Easter. My hope is that your Lenten journey has been formative, and as you’ve searched and reflected on your life, you realized your brokenness and appealed to God. In return, I hope the Holy Spirit reached back to you during Easter and you felt the thrill of new life!

We pastor’s love to write grand pronouncements like this, don’t we? I do it all the time, especially around Christmas and Easter. The words are so formal, so grandiose, but have you ever wondered what they actually mean? As you’ve read in the verses from Luke above, Christians stress Jesus coming back the dead as a part of this season of Easter, which gives us so much hope for the end of our lives. But what does resurrection have to do with what we do here and now?

Good question! I’m glad you asked. In response I would tell you that resurrection is not solely an end of life event. That’s when it’s most notable and complete, yes, but resurrections really happen every day. There are so many examples out there. A resurrection is when a critically ill patient finds meaning in what they are going through. It’s happens when an addict decides enough is enough and seeks to make a move towards sobriety. It’s when a person going about their normal day has their eyes opened to a need and subsequently dedicates themselves to it. Any time a person is able to welcome and alter their existence through God’s presence, newness and novelty, resurrection occurs!
So how is it occurring for you so far after Easter? I hope your lives are blooming like the buds I see on the tree outside my window. Life is returning, and if we welcome it in new ways, resurrection is at hand!

Count on it, my friends. Even though Easter Sunday has passed, new life is always a breath away when you seek the Spirit.  We will be seeking it here as a church over the next few months. On tap are a new approach to Vacation Bible School, more visioning work with our leadership and (dun, dun, DUNNNNNN) the Pig Roast.  Get geared up for it, friends. That’s the one thing about God’s new life you can always count on. The Spirit is going to ask you to live it out in service and dedication to our community! I am excited for it all and I hope you are as well. May the grand words I started with bless you wherever you are! And may the Risen Christ show you all the possibilities and opportunities that are available now and in every season. Oops, that was another grand pronouncement, wasn’t it?  How about I end it this way . . . God bless you, Nation. Much love to you all, dear friends and a happy continuing Easter.

              -Pastor Bryson