A very happy February to you all! The year has barely started and it’s already flying by, isn’t it?
There are two reasons for this note. First, I wanted to extend an invitation to worship on Sunday. We are starting a new sermon series that is worlds away (literally!) from the World Religions we studied in January. It will run for three weeks, and have much lighter fare, and much more practical content. I am calling it Relationship Status: How to Maintain Connections in the Digital Age, and I am hopeful it will help us better understand and reach out to our community.
Young people dominate the Carbon Valley area, and they rely on technology to interact. It's created a world where we are more connected to each other than we've ever been, and yet more relationally distant than ever before! Why is this? And how can we keep our connections strong when the world is pulling us apart? Join us in the series to find out! We will be looking at how to keep our relationship with God, parents/children and spouses/close friends strong, and maybe even find we can use technology to our advantage. I also plan to have this series personally involve you. Starting Sunday, I will be asking for your input in the form of some simple questions. They say that personal experience is the best teacher, so I hope what you give me will help educate the rest of the congregation! I will talk more about this Sunday, so stay tuned!
The other item of note I have for you is my thoughts on the worship survey that just concluded. We had around 17 respondents, and their feedback was remarkably helpful. Thank you so much for everyone who participated. Here were some of the common themes that came out of their comments:
- People are generally happy with our worship style and content. No major changes were suggested. Instead, only small tweaks and alterations were recommended by respondents.
- You love our music ministry. It got high marks all around, and many positive comments. Well done choir members, musicians and Hannah Joy! We are so thankful for your gifts! In fact, people want to hear more. A common refrain from the surveys is that we want more music, and more variation in style. I would love to see this as well. So I will definitely visit with Hannah Joy to see if/when we can make it happen.
- There were three common suggestions in sections concerning my sermons. As you may have heard me say already, you all want more Bible, more practical application and less politics in my messages. I am happy to oblige. This new series on relationships should be very practical. Then when Lent begins in March, I will be doing a 7-week series on the parable of the Prodigal Son. It will be the longest series I’ve ever done on a single story from the Bible. So you will definitely be getting some very deep content and application, whichI hope it satisfies the desires you expressed. Rest assured I will keep these three focus areas in mind for future series. If you keep communicating, I will continually be able to address the needs!
I’ll end now with a quick word on there being too many political mentions in worship. I agree wholeheartedly. My sincerest wish is that I would not have to bring it up at all, and we could spend time focusing on issues that unite! However, a big reason people come to church is to be equipped to live faith in the world; to hear what the Bible says to what is going on around them. Unfortunately, too much of what is going on right now is politics. I know I am only 33 years old, but I've never felt people so divided about their government and neighbors. When I interact with them, it’s always the first issue to come up! So while I want to focus elsewhere, politics keeps forcing its way in.
Yet, I do hear the earnest requests to provide some respite from it in worship. And again, I agree. Worship should be a haven to hear comforting words of hope. So I will make sure to provide this for you by keeping political mentions to a minimum. But Nation, I can’t stop bringing politics up entirely, as some would like. That would be a disservice to you. As your pastor, I must keep equipping you to live your faith. Moreover, Rinn Church cannot hide from the issues if we are to reach out to the non and nominally religious in our community. So know if a big political issue pops up, which the Word of God speaks to, I will acknowledge it. It may not be in worship. I may write more notes like this one when politics strikes. But if something big enough happens, like a Supreme Court decision, another executive order, etc. I will mention it. Rest assured though, if it’s in worship, I will make sure God’s hope shines through it. This is my solemn promise to you. Grace wins out! Somehow, someday, God pulls a victory out of our mess!
I think that's a good place to conclude this note. Thanks one last time to all the survey respondents, and I hope to see everyone Sunday. And join me in prayer for our nation. Our leaders need it!
It’s an honor to serve you and our Carbon Valley/ Easter Longmont Community. Be well, friends.
In Christ,
Pastor Bryson