
The Space Between: A place of conversation to discuss God, life, and all the things in between.

Friday, August 5, 2016

Back to School!

              Sarah and I went shopping at Target a couple weeks ago. Just inside the door was one of those giant racks that come out this time of year. It was full of sheets of paper, school supply lists for the various grades and schools in our area. The sight dampened Sarah’s mood somewhat. She’s an elementary school music teacher in Greeley. So I am sure she was seeing past the paper to how her vacation running is quickly running out! I, however, had a different series of thoughts pop into my brain. Being your pastor, I thought about how so many people in Rinn Nation have been out on vacation this summer. Fall is coming for us as well. Therefore, I thought it would be helpful to post a School Supply of sorts for our church to help people prepare as they return from break. It’s going to be another busy year around Rinn, so we are going to need to be ready! Here’s what you can bring to help us:

·       Energy- You’ve had a few months to rest. So I hope you come back energized and excited for our mission and ministry. We are again going to be working with our developing vision to be an intergenerational church that supports the families in our community. It’s something that is full of possibilities. So get excited about what God is doing! Tell others that Rinn is a church on the move!

·       Commitment- We are going to be unveiling some new discipleship options in the fall (stay tuned to our emails for details!). Some are going to be unlike anything Rinn has offered before. There is talk about having new studies for adults, small groups for parents and other exciting things. Then there are our returning classic ministries like Kids Hope, Brews and Views, Habitat for Humanity and our partnerships with the Carbon Valley Help Center. We need these ministries to be live and vital! Our Sunday morning worship also needs to be the basis for all we do. So what can you commit to helping us with? Can you be in church one more Sunday a month? Can you contribute to or lead one of these efforts? If so, we will rocket out of the gate in the fall.

·       Flexibility- We are again going to be experimenting with our church’s dynamics and trying new things come September! As you know from last year some efforts will succeed, but others will come up short. So we ask for your patience as we work. Bringing God’s vision into reality takes time and determination, so thank you in advance for your help!

·       Feedback- With so much going on, it is critical to hear your thoughts one what is occurring. Good or bad, your leadership would love to know what you are feeling about the life of the church. I especially value your opinions, but unfortunately, I don’t hear many of them firsthand. There still seems to be some misconceptions out there that I am too busy and don’t have time to hear you out! This is totally not the case. I love your in input and I buy a mean cup of coffee for discussions. Our leaders need your thoughts too, as they point out things we may not see. So please, share away!

·       Your Prayers- this is by far the most important element you can give. Our Whole Church Initiative coach, Rev. Beth Estock put it this way, “Bryson, your church needs to tap into a deep well of spiritual strength. So up your prayer life!” I am summarily issuing that challenge to you. Reach out to the Divine and ask God to guide Rinn. Pray that we could see the way and find strength for the journey.

If we can bring these things to the fall, it will be a great year! I look forward to being with you through it. Blessings to you and yours as summer comes to a close.


Pastor Bryson